Monday, June 22, 2009

I was recently contacted by the National Awareness Coordinator for the Mesothelioma Cancer Center. asked me to post this important information regarding asbestos exposure.


Mesothelioma is a cancer that develops in the mesothelial cells that line many organs and body cavities. With this type of cancer, cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide uncontrollably and without order. They can attack and harm nearby tissues and organs. Most cases of mesothelioma begin in the thoracic cavity (pleura) or the abdominal cavity (peritoneum).

One of the only known causes of mesothelioma is exposure to a mineral known as asbestos. Asbestos was in widespread use throughout most of the 20th century in a number of military and industrial applications. The primary uses included insulation, brake lining, flooring and piping. Asbestos was valued so highly because of its durable and fire-resistant qualities.

A large majority of houses built before 1980 also contain asbestos insulation. The substance is harmless if left undisturbed, but once it is damaged or deteriorated it releases microscopic asbestos fibers into the air which can then be easily inhaled or ingested. Most mesothelioma cases caused by asbestos can be traced back to military or occupational exposure. The most common occupations affected by asbestos include firefighters, electricians and auto mechanics. Secondhand exposure is also a risk for families of those who worked with asbestos. The fibers can attach themselves to clothing and be brought home to the worker’s family.

Unfortunately, effective treatment of mesothelioma is not very common. The reason for this is that malignant mesothelioma has an unusually long latency period. It normally takes anywhere from 25 to 50 years for noticeable symptoms to show up. Because of this, mesothelioma is not typically diagnosed until its later stages when treatment options become more limited.

As stated before, mesothelioma is most treatable when caught early so if you are aware that you have been exposed to asbestos at any point in your life, it is important that you let your doctor know so that you can be monitored for any asbestos related illnesses.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pattyann,
I'm so glad to hear life is good for you. Keep up the good work in school. Before you know it you'll be done! I hope you have a great visit with Victoria!
Love, Auntie Mary

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Take care, Dennis