On Monday, I have another Muga Scan-- where they take my blood, mix it with dye, inject it back into me, and take pictures of my heart. These pictures will determine how much damage the Adriamycin (the drug that makes you lose your hair) has done to my heart. Probably not that much, but we must be sure. How exciting... and on Wednesday I have treatment.
But on Tuesday, I am going to try some alternative medecine! Since I can't seem to get enough of those wonderful NEEDLES... I am going to get some acupuncture!! Sweeeet! I have heard great things about acupuncture for cancer patients.
Acupuncture can re-energize the immune system!! It can also reduce anxiety and stress. Sounds perfect! The reason that the application of needles to certain parts of the body called acupoints (there are 2,000 on the body!) can help heal ailments is because the needles stimulate nerve cells, the pituitary gland, and parts of the brain. In response, the body releases proteins, hormones and brain chemicals that may otherwise be suppressed. This can postively affect blood pressure, body temperature, and the immune system.

Even better-- my insurance covers it!
I won't lie. I am a little nervous. But I will try anything once!! Especially if it's good for me!
For more information visit: The National Cancer Institute Website