So, going bald isn't a big deal. Millions of men do it every year... every day probably. But, I have to say that I sympathize with them now. Now I know what it feels like. It's unnerving and just gross. I mean, I'm sure it's going to be great to be bald. I won't need to use an excuse when I don't blow dry my hair. My hair won't get in Todd's face when I'm sleeping. And I won't have to deal with the heavy mop feeling on the back of my neck that I hate so much. Don't get me wrong, I have loved having short hair. It makes my eyes look bigger, it feels great, and it's low maintenance. But I'm afraid it is time to say goodbye.
Long 1 / Misty
I have had the good news from my insurance that they will FULLY cover any wig (or wigs) that I choose. Therefore, I have been very meticulous in my search... since I might as well pick one that I like no matter what the cost if someone else is paying.
I have been to a number of synthetic wig places. There have been a few that I like and many that I don't like. It's been hard to find a mid-length one since mostly old people go bald and like to keep their hair short. The problem with synthetic wigs is that they use a lot of fibers which makes them thick and heavy and you can't use heat when styling them.
Short 3 / Revenge
You have just seen some of the many synthetic wigs I have tried on. You might like to know that I have an appointment to try on some real hair wigs this week. So if you don't see one you like... don't worry! I will be hot and sexy in no time.
Sage / Siren
Please go to the bottom of the page and vote on your favorite wig! :) It's fun, do it.