Days before treatment begins...
I feel as though I have to apologize to all of those folks that I have been avoiding like the plague...
I have spent the last days before my first treatment at my Auntie Anne's house in North Hampton. Todd and I drove up on Saturday afternoon and stayed until Sunday. It was the most relaxing and "peaceful" and fun! thing I could have done. The past week has really just felt like "the meantime"... the time between now and Wednesday... and this weekend really took me away from the madness of waiting and wondering what treatment will feel like.
I have also been doing a substantial amount of laundry. And I signed up for NetFlix, so if anyone wants to come over and watch movies... or fold... ?
Thank you to everyone who has sent cards and commented. It really means a lot to know that you are thinking of me and my family. We'll get through this... but for now it's just "the meantime."