Treatment No. 8
My Doctors are Fighting
I wake up in Boston around 745am and get my butt into gear for my last treatment. I find a parking ticket on the Lesabre (apparently you aren't supposed to park within 20ft of an intersection). I'm off to Lawrence General!
(This is a picture of me and my Chemo-Graduation Bear!) I get home about 845am and have some toast. I also take my antibiotics that I was prescribed for biting my own cheek over a week ago. Duh. Dad and I sort of putt around the house in no big hurry... but finally, it's time to go.
We get to the hospital and end up waiting an hour and a half to talk to Dr. Sanz. He was back in Spain (with his wife and family) for the last 2 weeks so all of his patients are anxious to see him. I am anxious to get in and out of the chemo-lounge as quickly as possible.
Dr. Sanz expresses that, if I have one more clean scan, that he would rather not see me have radiation. I told him that Dr. Fisher from Dana-Farber wants me to have radiation. Dr. Sanz says that he will call Dr. Fisher to get his opinion. I also tell him that I met with the radiologist Dr. Mauch and Dr. Sanz says that they call that the "Banana/Chimp" affect. So, my doctor's are fighting. And I don't really care... I'd just rather be done with the whole entire cancer thing.
Finally, I get to the chemo-lounge where Ed, a chemo friend of mine, informs me that today is his last day as well. Hooray! I mean, it's weird. We see each other every other week, we chat, we take drugs, we see each other getting stabbed by the nurses, we see each other have adverse reactions to drugs... we see the good, the bad, and the ugly... and now we may never see each other ever again.

When I get home from my treatment, I sleep... pretty much the rest of the day. I had to cancel plans with Emily because I was just so tired and groggy. When I woke up there was the wine poster I had tried to get from Mcaloons Liquors that Auntie Paula had left as a surprise for me! Cool! I have a piece of pizza with gingerale as a snack. And then Auntie Kellie comes over with dinner! Delicious! I am sitting on the couch alone watching Kid Nation when the doorbell rings.

Surprise! Todd with flowers! He walked to my house all the way from the Lawrence train station! I was so excited to see him! I had wanted to make my last treatment special... but I didn't really know what to do... since I never have enough energy to actually do anything. It was perfect. We watched the rest of Kid Nation and Kitchen Nightmares, had ice cream, and then Todd tucked me in. The perfect ending.
I feel like bad auntie. I have'nt been on your blog in a long time. You look so cute in the nurse outfit, I'm glad you like the poster. Love you lots, think of you every day. Love Auntie Paula
again, I am so glad that todd listened to my step by step advice about how to make you excited and happy. I knew he would be successful, since he is my best friend and all...
so happy to hear you're finished with chemo! have a happy thanksgiving!
Hey lady! Im so im so im so impressed by your blog! (And seriously, i wish i had done the same! i mean, think of all the great names i could've given it! LOL) Ive only read a little so far, but i do have one thing for you; I say we start taking "Un-smoke breaks" together at work! See you soon! love, missy (from sauce: AKA: "Crash")
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