Auntie Nancy showed up early, around 8:45am, and I had breakfast and brushed my teeth. Then, she followed me to Fusco's Getty Station in Lawrence so that I could drop my car off for an inspection. Like myself, the Buick has seen better days.

I checked in and waited about 5 minutes before they called me into the room where they lay you back in a recliner and access your port-a-cath. It really hurt the first time since it was still sensitive from the surgery but this time it was no big deal. The big deal occurred when Patricia couldn't get a blood return, which means no blood would flow from the port-a-cath. That's the whole point of having one installed... practically.
Supposedly this happens quite a bit, a fiber and sheath can develop so that liquid cannot pass out. This is slightly disappointing since it means I have to get poked in the laboratory in order to get my blood work done.
This takes about 4 minutes and is practically painless... but still an annoyance since I don't really like Manny, the lab guy.
Then I go back into the room and wait with Auntie Nancy for what seems like forever. I guess they wanted to me to recline and relax so that they could try and get a blood return a second time.
Gloria, the nurse practitioner comes in and talks to me about all of the side effects I have been experiencing... which is luckily not that many. She takes her time reading my extensive file. I take the liberty of sparing her the details of my latest sad-phase.
Kay comes in, removes the access needle and tries again. No deal. So, it's off to the chemo lounge.

I don't know why I'm laughing, I wasn't amused. I think I must have been laughing at Nancy.
I'm pretty sick of the chemo lounge. At first it was ok because it was all new and mildly exciting. New faces, new places... just the kind of things I thrive on. But now, I hate the feeling of the cold medecine going into my veins and the numbness I feel in my mind.
Surprisingly, the time went by much faster than last time when I attempted to sleep. I tried not to look at the bag dripping, like trying not to watch water boil. It worked, I guess.
We got home and I went to bed. FYI: after a treatment is not the best time to call. I am so out of it that the sounds of your lovely voices brings on strong nausea. Sorry for all the missed calls but I slept for the rest of the day.
Auntie Kellie brought over a ton of good food, which I snacked on while watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, a hilarious comedy about a gang of twenty-somethings that own a bar. I watched probably 6 episodes but was so drugged up, I could barely laugh. One of the funniest episodes is when one of the main characters lies to his friends about having cancer to get with a girl.
My Crazy Daisies, Love Todd

Later, while sitting around eating a piece of bread and helping Billy assemble his new shocks for his truck, the doorbell rang. It was Todd with flowers and ice cream! It was an awesome surprise and made the whole blurry day better. We hung out and watched the ne

Crazy daisies are known for they're eccentric beauty and potent cancer diminishing properties.
Double Fudge Brownie Ice cream too.
Dr. RMDM says, 'For all that ails you-- laughter is the best medicine; even for cancer!'
The daisies and ice cream were an awesome surprise, but Todd's "random" visit was the best present of all!
Hi! I am a friend of your grandmother Pat and I've been following your progress via your blog. You should definitely pursue writing - I am quite impressed by the way you articulate your experiences and thoughts – really paints a picture for the reader. Clearly some days are better than others, but I think overall you are doing remarkably well coping and taking things in stride. Some advice though - from time to time trust the people around you to love you no matter what and let yourself be sad, mad, bored or what ever else you need! It is part of being human! Clearly you are a remarkable young woman - and this is not because Nana tells me so! ;-) It's easy to see how your family is nuts about you.
I recently came across this in an article and although your bog tells me you already know this, I think it is still worth sharing.
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited ~
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot destroy peace.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot suppress memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot invade the soul.
It cannot steal eternal life.
It cannot conquer the spirit.
Source: Unknown
Hang in there! You have lots of people thinking of you and wishing you will soon put this behind you so you can go on to do great and bigger things!
crazy daisies yo.
i'll keep sending good (healing) vibes your way until you tell me to stop
I'm so glad my best friend todd could make you feel better. That's why he's my best friend. hes good like that. I watched kitchen nightmares too. i especially liked when the loan sharks came to get their money. really patty. i love your blog. i forwared a link to my friend who is like us too.. she really liked it. Hey. this is funny. i got out of the shower friday night and started cutting myself a pixie hair cut. i figured. hey. if it looks like crap i can just buzz it and then say I'm doing it for my friend. it didnt look like crap oddly enough. i liked it. I asked scotty to buzz the rest off anyway. he told me to do his instead. so scotty buzzed his head for cancer. i might be a bad friend. i dont think so though. Stewart sent me a message a while ago. it said,"I enjoy napping. especially in transit." I think you are pretty and i l-o-v-e you!
I'm glad you had a good ending to the day, maybe Todd should surprise you more often! *wink, wink Love you!
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